Due to the unforeseen situation generated by the occurrence of the COVID-19 virus in Romania and other countries in Europe, after consultations held by the organizers with exhibitors, visitors and partners, GastroPan International Exhibition has been rescheduled to 21-23 June 2020.
The 12th edition of the GastroPan International Exhibition was supposed to be held at Expo Arad in Western Romania, in March 2020, with over 150 exhibitors from several countries and about 20,000 specialist visitors from the baking, confectionery, hospitality and food service industry. Due to the problems generated by the occurrence and spreading of the new Coronavirus, the Organizers, in agreement with the partners and exhibitors, decided to postpone the event for several reasons.
Here are some of the reasons:
-Authorities in many countries are recommending people to avoid crowded places
-The quick development of the situation could generate the prohibition of public events or quarantine measures, in unpredictable locations and for unpredictable periods of time
-Authorities in several European countries have already issued recommendations for avoiding unnecessary foreign travels and crowded events
-Many other international exhibitions in Europe were postponed, and the ones held had very poor results, due to the sharp decrease in the number of visitors
-Last but not least, beyond the economic effects, exhibitors are concerned about the possible epidemiological effects, GastroPan being a trade fair with international attendance, where it would be difficult to monitor the origin and the health condition of all participants.
The latest consultations held by the Organizers with the Partners and Exhibitors show that the vast majority think that postponing the exhibition is a useful and necessary measure, while also expressing their desire to exhibit the same technologies and innovations, on the same exhibition surface, at the same venue, but at a different time.