The ICC and the fl our specialists from Mühlenchemie will hold the fi rst joint Global Miller’s Symposium on 20 and 21 April 2017. During the two-day meeting, 27 internationally acknowledged speakers will hold papers about “The Market”, “Grain Research & Quality”, “Quality Determination Tools” and “Health & Fortifi cation”.
The ICC (International Association for Cereal Science and Technology) and the fl our specialists from Mühlenchemie will hold the fi rst joint Global Miller’s Symposium on 20 and 21 April 2017. Research scientists and practitioners from the worldwide milling industry will come together to share their latest information and conclusions as to how the milling industry can meet the challenges of the future. During the two-day meeting, 27 internationally acknowledged speakers will hold papers at the Hamburg Campus of the Bucerius Law School. The main titles from the symposium are “The Market”, “Grain Research & Quality”, “Quality Determination Tools” and “Health & Fortifi cation”. The papers will provide millers with new information and ideas on current changes and challenges in the industry, such as the increasing demand for food, cost pressure, fertilizer regulations, the effects of climate and health aspects. “We regard ourselves as a forum for all cereal technologists and cereal scientists the world over, and hope the symposium will network them on the global, national and regional levels”, says Michaela Pichler, Secretary General of the ICC. As Lennart Kutschinski, Managing Director of Mühlenchemie, explains: “In the context of our leading topics we will discuss how the wealth of information from the sciences and practical experience can be used to achieve a better supply of food to the world’s population. To do this, we intend to establish networks that will make a useful and long-term contribution to shaping the future of the milling industry beyond the framework of the symposium.”