Vegetables combined with Oba Makarna

21 November 20162 min reading
Oba Makarna has included new recipes for sauces on its packages to introduce new and healthy delicacies to pasta consumers. obamakarna

One of the leading companies in pasta production industry, Oba Makarna has started printing different recipes for consumers on its packages. Renewing its pasta packaging for consumers who are fed up with making pasta with the same sauces as well as the children who do not like vegetables, Oba Makarna aims to bring sauces from menus of restaurants to homes.

The recipes of Oba Makarna include pasta with eggplants and tomato, pasta with zucchini and brynza, noodles with walnuts and brynza, pasta shells with yoghurt and minced meat, pasta with cherry tomatoes and pastrami, pasta with tuna fish and corn, pasta with fermented sausages and corn, pasta with mushrooms and cheddar, pasta with dried tomatoes, brynza and olives, and pasta with chicken in cream.

With due consideration of protein content in its recipes and of children who do not like vegetables, Oba Pasta helps children to gain a habit of healthy and balanced nutrition. The recipes especially designed for children include chicken soup with vegetables and pasta, color pepper pasta, pasta with cheese sauce and broccoli, pasta cake with zucchini and minced meat, pasta with yoghurt and meatballs, and pasta with fish sticks.


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