World Flour Day celebrated with donations

17 April 20242 min reading

March 20 is dedicated to flour, the key ingredient in bread, pasta, and baked goods found on tables globally, regardless of social standing. World Flour Day, initiated four years ago by the FlourWorld Museum in Wittenburg, Germany, aims to promote the social responsibility of millers worldwide. This year, companies made meaningful donations, amplifying the spirit of unity and generosity inherent in the event.

The flour industry, which plays a pivotal role in nourishing the global population, marks “World Flour Day” on March 20. Positioned amidst the equinox, March 20 symbolizes a transition from winter to spring in the northern hemisphere and from summer to fall in the southern hemisphere. This period holds special significance for farmers worldwide, signifying a time of hope and gratitude. Hence, March 20 is celebrated as World Flour Day. Initially, flour was sourced exclusively from wheat and barley, but technological advancements have broadened its sources to include rice, corn, and pulses, essential in producing various food staples.

Products derived from flour serve as a daily livelihood for billions of individuals worldwide. From bread and buns to biscuits, cakes, and pasta, these delectable foods are enjoyed across the globe, highlighting flour’s status as one of humanity’s most crucial staple foods. Given its significance, flour deserves recognition alongside farmers, millers, shippers, truckers, processors, and bakers. Therefore, there is a need for a dedicated day to honor flour and its indispensable contributors.

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