The tender initiated by Istanbul Public Bread Facility was won by German company, Fritsch Bakery Systems.
The studies about the public bread company that will be founded on an area of 30 thousand square meters are going on. Recently, the domestic borrowing demand of 6.5 million dollars by Istanbul Public Bread was approved at the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Council meeting. An alderman from the main opposition party claimed that 33-million-dollar-tender initiated for the equipment of the new facility to be established is given to a German company.
And according to new published on a website called Türk İhale (Turkish Tender), Fritsch Bakery Systems has signed a contract of 5,5 million dollars with Istanbul Public Bread. In the same news it is stated that the company signed another contract of 27.5 million dollars in November and the total magnitude of the contract is around 33 million dollars.