UNO produces packaging disappearing in 24 months in nature

23 November 20202 min reading

Packaged bread company UNO, brought an interesting innovation to the sector with its Smart Packaging technology. The new eco-friendly UNO packages can dissolve and disappear within 24 months without leaving any residue in nature thanks to its oxo-biodegradable feature.

Striving to bring innovations to the bread sector, UNO brings new technology to the sector. Bringing whole-grain bread with high nutritional value to its consumers without human touch, UNO takes its nature-friendly feature to the next level with its packaging. If recyclable UNO packages mix with nature, their oxo-biodegradable feature comes into play. Unlike plastics that can remain in nature for centuries and cause significant environmental pollution since the moment they mix with nature, UNO packages completely dissolve within 24 months without leaving any residue behind with the oxo-biodegradable feature.

[caption id="attachment_3978" align="aligncenter" width="660"] Evin Pehlivanli[/caption]

UNO Deputy CEO Evin Pehlivanlı said, “We continued to break new ground in the sector with our R&D studies. We have never compromised our approach to the products we offer to support good nutrition. We were not limited to good nutrition and continued our efforts for a more livable world. Until now, we used 100% recyclable environment-friendly packaging. Today, we have taken the environmental feature of packaging one step further and started to apply d2w technology with oxo-biodegradable content in our packages. With this innovation, if UNO packaging is not recyclable and accidentally mixed into nature, it will dissolve and disappear completely within 24 months without leaving any harmful residue in nature.”

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