Recently, there has been an increase in the cases of brain hemorrhage. Trauma is the most common cause of brain hemorrhage. However, spontaneous brain hemorrhages can occur without trauma. Spontaneous brain hemorrhages are caused by high blood pressure and abnormal vascular structure. There is no evidence that brain hemorrhages occur more frequently in hot weather. On the other hand, a diet heavy in carbohydrates instead of protein is among the factors that increase the risk of brain hemorrhage.
Op. Dr. Emre Ünal
Neurosurgery Uskudar University
We are witnessing an increase in news about brain hemorrhages lately. This situation raises many questions. Has the probability of people having a brain hemorrhage increased? Is there an increase in the number of people suffering from a brain hemorrhage? Or is the number of people suffering from brain hemorrhages the same, but is it being highlighted more because of increased news sources? Before answering these questions, it’s necessary to explain the causes of brain hemorrhages, to make the answers clearer. The most common cause of brain hemorrhage is trauma, that is, it’s related to reasons such as falls, traffic accidents. However, there are also brain hemorrhages that occur without trauma. These are referred to as spontaneous brain hemorrhages. The most common causes of spontaneous brain hemorrhages are high blood pressure and abnormal vascular structure. Among the factors that disrupt vascular structure are poor nutrition, overweight, smoking, chronic diseases like diabetes. Of course, as age progresses, the likelihood of vascular structure deterioration increases, so we can count advanced age among the causes of brain hemorrhage.
Low protein, high carbohydrates increase the risk of brain hemorrhage
The increase in brain hemorrhage cases in our country is actually a natural consequence due to population growth and an aging population. In addition to this, medical technology and imaging techniques have advanced. While the causes of death of people who died in the past could not be found, diagnoses can now be made, and even people can be saved with timely interventions. Apart from these, changes in food cultivation techniques, increased use of various drugs and additives in food production to meet a larger population, and a diet that has more carbohydrates and less protein due to economic reasons are among the reasons that increase brain hemorrhage. According to a study conducted in 2017, the fact that the number of people who suffer brain hemorrhage is higher in countries with lower socioeconomic levels also supports this information.
No evidence of increased incidence during hot weather
Various studies have been conducted worldwide to determine the relationship between spontaneous brain hemorrhages, i.e., those that occur without trauma, and temperature. Various studies conducted in Turkey have shown that there are more brain hemorrhages in the autumn months. In a study conducted on 800 patients in Germany in 2021, no relationship was shown between weather conditions and brain hemorrhage. In summary, it is not a proven situation that brain hemorrhages occur more frequently, especially in hot weather.
Use of blood thinners increases the likelihood of brain hemorrhage
Issues like high blood pressure and diabetes or habits like smoking not only damage the vascular structure of the entire body, but also impair the structure of the brain vessels. Damages and weaknesses occur on the wall of the vessel whose structure is damaged. Natural conditions that momentarily increase blood pressure, such as sadness, joy, anger, can cause tears in these weakened walls. The blood escaping from these tears spreads into the brain tissue, leading to a brain hemorrhage. In such diseases, it is sometimes necessary to use blood-thinning drugs. The use of blood thinners is also a factor that increases the likelihood of a brain hemorrhage. Therefore, unless specifically recommended by a doctor, it is dangerous to use blood-thinning drugs like aspirin routinely. Indeed, it has been proven that routine use of blood thinners without a known disease does not provide protection against heart attacks.
Avoiding smoking is the most important preventive measure
The ways to protect against brain hemorrhage include general rules necessary for a healthy life. Not smoking tops the list. Although smoking may seem like a habit that only affects the lungs, its negative effects on the whole body have been proven in countless scientific studies. Besides this, doing regular exercise positively supports the entire vascular system and reduces the possibility of wear and tear. Walking briskly for just 30 minutes, 4 days a week is enough for this. Balanced and healthy eating, along with regular sports, and staying away from sugary foods are other factors that significantly reduce the chance of brain hemorrhage.