Barilla who endeared pasta to world turns 140 years

01 February 20182 min reading

Italian food giant Barilla that was founded in Parma in 1877 as a bread and pasta shop celebrated its 140th anniversary.


The world’s pasta maker Italian Barilla celebrates its 140th anniversary as a brand. Barilla started its journey as a bread and pasta maker in a small shop. But now, the company has turned into a food giant that work for human’s health and goodness and the world’s today and future. The founder’s motto, “Do not produce anything that you won’t make your kids eat” still guides the company. The food giant has 28 factories around the world, including Turkey.

Barilla’s products reach more than one hundred countries and it produces 1.8 million tons of food. Prioritizing customer’s health and trust, the company reformulated at least 360 products with less oil, salt, sugar and more fiber content. The Italian brand entered into Turkish market with Filiz Pasta owned by the Doğuş Group as a partner. In line with its principle, Barilla organized a meeting during 2017 to underline its principles. Filling 140 years with taste and goodness, Barilla has held international meetings throughout the year in order to remind and interiorize all the principles in line with the mission it has adopted. Sustaining the global leadership and representment of pasta which is a milestone in Mediterranean-style nutrition, the company continues its studies to serves as a model for the world over the next 140 years with extensive work aiming to enhance the planet.

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