World Pasta Day Celebrated in Brazil!

05 December 20172 min reading

The 25th of October, World Pasta Day, which was calendared on the offer of Turkish pasta producers 20 years ago, was celebrated in Brazil this year. For the first time a Turkish scientist has signed the Scientific Consensus Statement on Healthy Eating with Pasta.

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The 25th of October, World Pasta Day events, which have been accepted in 1998 with the proposal of Turkish pasta producers, were held in Sao Paulo, Brazil this year with the participation of main pasta producer countries. The overall position of the pasta industry was discussed at the events attended by Abdülkadir Külahçıoğlu, Chairman of Pasta Industrialists Association of Turkey (TMSD) and Murat Bozkurt, Member of the Association of Pasta Manufacturers and Industrialists (MÜSAD). Dr. Nevin Sanlier, from the Nutrition and Dietetics Department of Biruni University also attended to the event that was hosted by Brazilian Manufacturers Association of Biscuit, Pasta and Industrialized Bread & Cakes (ABIMAPI) under the leadership of the World Pasta Organization (IPO). Three scientists from Brazil and one from Turkey have signed The Scientific Consensus Statement on Healthy Eating with Pasta, which was created two years ago by Oldways, a nonprofit food and nutrition education organization, aimed at inspiring healthy eating with cultural food traditions and lifestyles, and which bore 23 signatures already. Dr. Nevin Sanlier was the first Turkish scientist to sign the declaration. Thus, the Turkish version of the statement which was previously prepared in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, was also included in the records of IPO.

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