Energy Saving and Efficiency in Bakery, Pasta and Biscuit Facilities

29 May 20183 min reading
 The energy efficiency in the industry is very important in terms of competitiveness. However, the energy efficiency should not be considered as lowering the energy bill; instead, the efficiency should be conceived comprehensively covering all activities to improve the competition conditions. In order to improve the energy efficiency in the industry, there should be studies on energy accounting, control systems, insulation, new technologies and industrial processes, raw material characteristics, product types and characteristics, climate conditions and environmental effects, capacity utilization.enerji2  The entire world puts an important emphasize on the efficient use of energy among other subjects. The energy production and its usage have many environmental impacts like air pollution, greenhouse effect and eco-system. According to the report of the International Energy Agency, it is stated that CO2 emissions from energy production will increase by 49 percent in 2030 compared to 2005 and that many countries will face high energy prices in medium and long term. When considered from the industrial companies’ point of view, efficiency works help companies to save from oil, to use sources efficiently and to decrease environmental pollution in an important way. Increasing energy efficiency is possible by determining the locations and quantities of thermal losses. Energy efficiency in the industry is very important in terms of competitiveness. However, the energy efficiency should be considered as lowering the energy bill; instead, the efficiency should be conceived comprehensively covering all activities to improve the competition conditions. In this way, however, high value-added production and good competition conditions can be achieved so that energy intensity can be lowered and the real energy efficiency can be obtained. The energy efficiency in the industry is very important in terms of international competitiveness. In order to improve the energy efficiency in the industry, there should be studies on energy accounting, control systems, insulation, new technologies and industrial processes, raw material characteristics, product types and characteristics, climate conditions and environmental effects, capacity utilization. In addition, application and evaluation studies that affect the consumption of electricity in quantity and time should be carried out. These studies are called demand management. One or more of the three demand management practices can be applied together.   The technical measures that are the first of these methods consist of high efficiency lighting, high efficiency motors, cooling systems, building insulation. The second method is informing, and the technical documents should help users to complete their lack of information. Some measures to be taken for energy efficiency in industrial enterprises, including bakery, biscuits and pasta sector are: Replace fluorescent and mercury vapor lamps with high-pressure sodium lamps in process lighting. Arrange air-conditioning units in the areas where fewer people come in and out during night-shifts. Turn off exhaust fans, ovens, motors and the like when not needed. Ensure that the compressor air inlets are from cooler than the hot equipment chambers. Steamed and pressured air leakages cost higher for companies. There should be regular checks. Careful control of the air excess coefficient, which is the heart of the combustion air, provides significant energy savings. According to the operating tariff structure and power factor, large savings can be achieved by power factor improvement. Significant savings can be achieved with the isolation of process lines and tanks. The use of energy efficient motors, especially when new applications are concerned, amortizes itself in a short period of time. If the pressures are overdesigned, the pressure reduction will not heat the process, and there will be great savings. Industrial facilities are often insulated insufficiently. Proper insulation is a big gain. Small changes in the timing of the equipment can significantly reduce the demand loads.
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