Jamal Al Hazaa receives World Flour Day special award

23 March 20223 min reading

Jamal Al-Hazaa, Chairman of the Al-Hazaa Investment Group, who has made a great contribution to the development of food security and nutrition in the Middle East, was awarded the World Flour Day award.

Jamal Al-Hazaa, Chairman of the Al-Hazaa Investment Group, received the World Flour Day award for his contributions to the milling and food production sector with the projects he initiated.

Bühler Group Board Member Samuel Schär presented the Milling Hall of Fame award to Jamal Al-Hazaa, Chairman of Al-Hazaa Investment Group.

In the World Flour Day event held in the Milling Hall of Fame of the World Flour Museum, he has been inducted into the hall for his outstanding entrepreneurial achievements in the field of flour, pasta and noodles in the Middle East and the region.

Jamal Al-Hazaa, Chairman of the Al-Hazaa Investment Group, said the following in his speech at the award event:

“I am deeply honored to receive this recognition from experts in the grain milling field, which prizes our efforts over the past eight decades in preserving our heritage in the milling profession that is inherited from my father, Haj Sharif Al-Hazaa.

I am proud of my profession as a miller, in particular a wheat miller, because of its moral value to me. A value derived from the essential role we play as millers in human life by supplying and sustaining a key staple food, which has been consumed since before human civilization and has also been crucial to the development of farming and human civilization.

I always say that the importance of the wheat can be summarized by the Ukrainians conception of their flag “blue sky above yellow field of wheat”.

43 years of experience in milling

Jamal Al-Hazza, born in 1962, is an influential pioneer in the Middle Eastern milling industry. His impact in the world of milling commenced at an early age by functioning in various departments of the flour mill founded in 1942 by his father, Sharif Al-Hazaa. Since 1979, Jamal has been leading his family business, and despite the region’s instability, he has steered the transformation of one local mill business into a regional business of thirteen flour mills and seven factories operating in the milling space.

As a social entrepreneur, his significant transformation has made the Group a vital contributor in bolstering and consolidating food security and nutrition in the Middle East, a contribution aiming to the full realization of a fundamental human right in having adequate, stable, and accessible food to everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, and gender.

Jamal is also an active contributor in tackling another public concern, environmental health, and believing that businesses can empower a positive change, a PV plant was established in Jordan to cover nine factories’ energy consumption from clean resources instead of fossil fuels.

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