Tekfen Engineering will undertake all engineering studies of the solar field, which is one of the important parts of the EU-funded Hiflex Project initiated by Barilla in the city of Foggia, Italy with the cooperation of 11 companies from 7 countries in order to reduce the carbon footprint of pasta production.
Many sectors around the world continue scientific studies for more sustainable production methods. The industry of pasta, which is one of the most consumed foodstuffs and uses wheat, water and energy in production processes, continues to work for more sustainable production by reducing its carbon footprint. With this point of view, the Italian Barilla brand, one of the largest pasta producers in the world, launched the European Union (EU) supported Hiflex Project. Within the scope of the pilot project, 11 companies, including the German Aerospace Center (DLR), from 7 countries, will work together to build a new facility that produces renewable energy in Foggia, Italy.
Tekfen Engineering General Manager Fatih Can, said that they are very happy to realize a critical part of a project that could set an example all over the world. Tekfen Engineering General Manager Fatih Can said, "We have been granted 2.6-million-Euro support, the largest funding support received at one time in Turkey, to be used in this project within the scope of Horizon 2020 for developing concentrated solar energy. New technology is being developed in the world with the contribution of Tekfen Engineering. This is a pride for Turkish engineering.”