Adana Public Bread bakes 320 thousand loaves of bread a day

29 May 20191 min reading

Adana-halkekmekZeydan Karalar, Mayor of Adana Metropolitan Municipality, visited and examined the Public Bread Facility. Visiting production lines, stores, and facilities, Karalar said that the facilities will intensify its work to provide better service to the public. He said that there are two public bread facilities belonging to Adana Metropolitan Municipality, adding that the facilities bake 310 thousand loaves of bread daily. With the addition of different bread varieties, this number increases to 320 thousand loaves of bread. Mayor Karalar said that the price of bread is 60 kuruş, adding that, “Adana Metropolitan Municipality owes 5 billion Turkish liras, but it is not possible to take a step back from the social municipality. Apart from routine municipal works, we are decisive to mobilize our means to meet our fellow citizens’ need for bread and transportation. We will continue our studies to ensure that our current production is sustainable.”

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