Customs taxes on pasta and biscuit imports zeroed

25 September 20202 min reading

Additional customs duty rates to be applied to imports of 115 food products from various countries and country groups were re-determined.

Product groups whose customs duties are rearranged according to the Presidential Decree in addition to the Import Regime decision in the Official Gazette; consist of pastas, cereal, bread, pie, cake, biscuits and other bakery products, cocoa powder, yeasts, sauces, chewing gum, throat lozenges, halva and Turkish delights, chocolate and cocoa-containing food products. The additional customs tax rates to be applied on the imports of product groups vary between 0 percent and 20 percent depending on the country and country groups. In this context, it is envisaged to apply zero customs duty on some of the imports of these products from Chile, Iran, Israel and Albania. The products with zero customs duty are as follows; Paraguayan tea, licorice products, cocoa powder and products, cultured yeasts, brewer's yeast, baking powder, chocolate, halva, boiled sweets and caramels, gummy and jelly candies, throat lozenges, cough candies, hazelnut dragees, candy tablets, fondant, Turkish delight. Customs duty was zeroed in some exceptional countries on pastries, pastries and bakery products, pastas, and breakfast cereals. Customs duties on these products ranged from 5.1 percent to 94.3 percent. In a few products, the customs tax was applied as 0 (zero) percent.

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