Heartfelt thanks to all contributors of BBM Mutfak

14 June 20242 min reading

BBM Mutfak talks, organized by BBM Magazine and sponsored by Özmen Un, were completed with intense interest at IDMA Istanbul.

Our heartfelt thanks to our main sponsor, Mr. Erhan Özmen, Chairman of Özmen Un, who did not leave us alone and gave us strength with their support throughout the three days, to TMO General Manager Ahmet Güldal, who visited our booth, to TUSAF (TFIF - Turkey Flour Industrialists Federation)  President Mr. Haluk Tezcan, to TÜRKİYEM-BİR (Turkey Feed Industrialists Association) President Ülkü Karakuş, to TMSD (Turkey Pasta Manufacturers Association) President Aykut Göymen, to GUSAD (Southeastern Anatolia Flour Industrialists Association) President Mesut Çakmak, to Indonesian Ministry of Economic Affairs Deputy Minister of Food and Agriculture Dida Gardera, to Indonesian Deputy Minister of Food Muhammad Saifulloh, to our BBM Mutfak presenter Mine Ataman, to IDMA Chairman Mr. Muhammet Ali Kalkan, to HAGE Group Consultant Edip Hilmi Aktaş, to Muhammed Freij, the Director of Parantez Media, where BBM Magazine is published, is also the brainchild behind the BBM Mutfak Project, and to our esteemed guests.

Moderated by industry veteran Mine Ataman, the BBM Mutfak talks, titled “Taste the Future,” lasted for three days, and I express my infinite gratitude to the panelists who shared their valuable insights with us: Agricultural Engineer Tanfer Dinler, Chef-Actor Cenk Doğar, Dietitian Cansu Çelik, representatives from the Anatolian Good Cotton Association Ezra Çetin and Tuğba Çetin, Usla Academy Trainer Ömer Tezel, Reis Gıda Vice President Işılay Reis Yorgun, former Deputy Minister of Agriculture Ayşe Ayşin Işıkgece, Food Culture Writer Nazlı Pişkin, Nalia Black Sea Cuisine Founder Süleyman Tarakçı, Nalia Black Sea Cuisine Chef Coordinator Volkan Öztürk, Ekmek İskelesi Founder Sedat Dereci, Chef - The Stay Hotels Food And Beverage Director Arzu Öztürk, TURİB (Turkish Commodity Exchange) Deputy General Manager Dr. Necla Küçükçolak, Activist-Cheese Expert İlhan Koçulu, İngredy Founder Betül Bildik, İngredy Consultant Chef Aylin Yazıcıoğlu, and Vaha-Plant Factory Consultant Dr. Ümit Barış Kutman.

I also extend my thanks to Chef Muharrem Arıcı and Beyzanur Özmen, and to Altuntop Bakery Machinery and Buzkap Soğutma for their equipment support for our event.

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