The machine packs 250 cookies per minute

03 April 20192 min reading

Confectionery manufacturers can now rely on a new machine series from Gerhard Schubert GmbH for simple, frequently sought-after packaging tasks. They automate a wide variety of standard packaging tasks at an attractively low investment cost.

Schubert_bbm31The Schubert lightline offers cost-effective and highly efficient solutions for elementary everyday packaging assignments. The compact lightline machine types cover the entire range of most common packaging requirements. With the Schubert lightline series, the Crailsheim-based packaging machine manufacturer is addressing packaging tasks that call for less flexibility, at low investment and operating costs. All lightline machine types are preconfigured. With the lightline Cartonpacker, lightline Pickerline and lightline Flowpacker, three high-performance systems are now available that can solve virtually any elementary packaging task for piece products. The new lightline Cartonpacker takes on the role of a classic case packer when erecting, filling and closing cartons. The lightline Pickerline is a pick & place line for picking and placing products into trays. The lightline trio is completed with the Flowpacker, which, in combination with the Pickerline, efficiently packs products in flowpacks. At ProSweets, Schubert is exhibiting a lightline flowpacker that uses the state-of-the-art heat-sealing technology to process mixed packs containing two different, heat-sensitive products. A biscuit with white chocolate and one with brown chocolate are packed together in a flowpack. The machine achieves an output of 250 products or 125 flowpacks per minute.

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